detect the iPhone stolen

Faced with increasingly elitist prices charged by Apple, it can be tempting to purchase an iPhone (or iPad) on the second hand market. On the famous right corner, for example, we can find iPhone 5c to 300 € or 400 € 5s still under warranty. Also sometimes found even more attractive business, but often it is scams, stolen products which lock when the unfortunate buyer tries to reset.

These misadventures could well quickly disappear, because Apple has today a new tool available to the public: it allows you to check the status of the lock activation of an iOS device from his only IMEI.

This lock activation is enabled by default during the initial configuration of an iPhone or iPad, along with the location of the phone. These functions can not be deactivated without informing the password of iCloud account the legitimate owner, so a stolen iPhone still appear locked for Apple.How easy it is to access the IMEI (engraved on the back or slide the SIM card), it will be easy to quickly check before purchase from the iBidule coveted.

Note however that there are tools that allow hackers to bypass the lock activation, this simple check therefore not totally helps guard the stolen goods.

  • Outil de vérification de l'état du verrouillage d'activation d'un appareil iOS
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