Available for free and does not even require installation (portable application), BleachBit quickly frees disk space by deleting your history and cache files used in more than 90 applications.
Indeed, there is not as in your Web browser as data is backed up on what you're doing! BleachBit allows all these applications and data consisting without your knowledge, then feel free to delete them in one click with BleachBit!
Of the 90 applications managed by BleachBit include: Adobe Reader, aMSN, Filezilla, Firefox, Flash, GIMP, Google Chrome, Google Earth, Google Toolbar, Internet Explorer, Java, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice.org, Opera, Paint, Pidgin, RealPlayer, Safari, Skype, Thunderbird, Vuze / Azureus, Winamp, Windows Defender, Windows Explorer, Windows Media Player, WinRAR, WordPad, Yahoo! Messenger, etc.
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